Are We on a Race with Extinction? Study Case: Shark and Ocean Ecosystem

In 2017, a group of researchers from The University of Western Australia (News UWA, 2017), completed a four month research of shark - coral reef ecosystem within the marine ecosystem. The result was surprising, as it turns out shark plays an important role in sustaining and regulating the ocean health. A group consists of researchers from school of Biological Science UWA, and the UWA Ocean Institute performed a video-based observation using a bunch of baited video camera to monitor the behaviour of this pack of " wolf of the ocean ". The research was performed by collecting the biological data from over 600 fish from more than 60 species. According to the programme leader, Professor Jessica Meeuwig, the increasing pressure of climate change, bleaching and overfishing to coral reef ecosystem and marine life has urged the importance of assessing the role of shark to reef resilience. Massive numbers of tools and equipment including 63 kilometres of rope, 12 tonnes worth of ...