
Showing posts from August, 2017

Unsolved Enigma: Plastic Waste to the Ocean

Plastic. Who doesn't think it's helpful? It's light in weight, some of it is strong and durable, and the most helpful one: it is disposable . Yes, you use it once and throw it all away. People won't even bother to wonder where it might end up or they won't bother to ask for one after another, because yes, it's practically free to get. The history of this material went back way across the centuries. British Plastic Federation (2017), reveals in the timeline of plastic invention  that the beginning of plastic started long time ago. Throughout the years, it has become an important part of many industries, adapting and evolving to survive its own existence up until now. Its versatility amazes us, how this small material called polymer  is transformed into various forms to fulfil the needs of many. Unfortunately, there are always two sides in a coin. Concerns over plastic waste has been growing from year to year. A world without plastic or synthetic organic polyme...