Achieving LPDP: Part 1 (Hints & Tips to Begin and Prepare for Administrative Selection)

As I promised long time ago, when I nail this scholarship, I will dedicate some of my time writing hints and tips to break through LPDP scholarship for those who need it in the future... Hope you don't mind that I write the whole content in both English and Bahasa Indonesia, so more people will be able to take the benefit from the post. Here we go.. Ya, saya mengikuti seleksi substantif Batch 2 tahun 2017 pada 18 - 19 September 2017, menerima pengumuman beasiswa pada 25 Oktober 2017 dan menyelesaikan kegiatan Persiapan Keberangkatan (PK) pada 6-10 November 2017 lalu. Beberapa dokumen lagi, and I'm off to Perth. (For you who have read several of my previous post, you would've known that I will continue my Master's degree in The University of Western Australia, Perth). Rasanya tidak berlebihan kalau ada yang mengatakan bahwasanya LPDP is the most hunted scholarship in this country right now. Sampai saat ini LPDP sudah mendanai lebih dari 1...