Every New Beginning Comes from Some Other Beginning's End

It's been a while, really. I don't know, four years maybe? since the last time I wrote something. Had a blog before, but hectic days as college student kept me out for a while from writing anything.. or perhaps? doing anything apart of college stuffs. You know those things, class, assignments, organisation.  As a student I, (well, of course others too..) pour all my efforts on achieving goals, and to be honest it was a bit stressful.. a bit thou. More things to look at from the bright side like you make more friends, you get to know a new surroundings, new town, but yes, I should admit that it took a bit of a struggle to graduate (or much of it, depends on how you see them).. it took all your best efforts, and focus to graduate from college. Well, can't talk much about that anyway, college life, perhaps later on when I had a chance (most likely I got plenty) I'll write some about it, but now that I am graduated I got more time to.. to?? write. technically.. well, hang on, wait? Aren't I suppose to be looking for a job? 

Okay, here's the thing. Let me spoil something for you a lil' bit. When it comes to a final stage, final year of college, until you graduate.. you, and your friends, most of it, start to walk into a different directions. some sweat it out to graduate, some chill it down a lil' bit, and some.. starts to disappear.. yes, just like that, disappear. like you don't hear from 'em anymore. and WHEN you're graduated, things go a bit tricky from here.. Some decides to take a short break, thinking that they somehow deserve it after all those hard work they've put into college, while they're figuring out a right path.. Some decides to find a job right away, this one is arguably the most common I think.. lots of factors, parent's demand, self willingness to sustain own needs, but apart of all that, this one is the most common direction that people choose right after they broke away from college.. Some decides to get married right after, or well?, before graduated.. this one I can't talk too much about.. well basically every decision worth respects, including this one. aanndd.. some of them decides to.. continue.. to.. higher phase, in this case, Master's degree. Wait, is this not strange. anyway? okay put it this way.. 

"Mate, you just got free from those assignments, duties, research and things, those which just literally (ehmm.. no, figuratively..) blew your mind off, and you intend to go for another study? for real" well that's me thou.. I am going into this direction.. This last one I mentioned. but, Why? well.. I'll speak of it next time.. Wanna keep this writing brief this time..  so later, okay? long story short, I'm leaving.. soon.. in a couple of month hopefully.. (Aamiin to that) oh yes! I got the campus.. I got accepted at the... The University of Western Australia.. that's in Perth. I was granted a place in their University only a couple of week after my graduation, yes.. I am a very fortunate man, so uhum.. I am leaving to a Kangaroo land.. but, Why Perth? Gosh, you ask too many question.. promise I will make up to each and every of those question ;) .. here.. on this new.. blog. yes..

(Perth at night courtesy of Perth Now)

Speaking of Aussie. yea.. Place that will yet be another part of my journey. but it's still a way to go thou, still got to struggle with scholarship, and being optimistic is important so yes,, really expected to be able to leave two or three months before the year ends. till then, I have plenty of times to do thing, and writing this stuff will be one of them surely.. So I got a bunch things to share, and hopefully inspire..  Until then.. let's take a line from a song "Closing Time" by Semisonic (it's a good one by the way, you should REALLY listen to it some time) 

"Every New Beginning Comes from Some Other Beginning's End"...

This is a new start for me.. to begin all over.. a blank page, fresh start to start yet another line of a journey" and know what? You should do to.. "oh yes you.. you're reading this now.. You're about to make yourself brighter than you've ever been.. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise" :)

See you when I see you.. 
"Lad with handful of dreams & wishful thinking.. "


  1. Good Writing. Keep writing and see you when i see you. hahahaha

  2. See you when I see you haha ✋✋


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